Brain Training Related Articles

In this page you an find related articles for the specific program we use in our IQ Rx Center.  Our product is called BrainRx and it can achieve outstanding results in a significantly short period of time.  Visit our page often to see new uploaded articles.


brainrx-introduction-for-kids 2.2 – Click this article to obtain information of what our program is all about.

BrainRx Potential and IQ– Click this article to understand how brain science promises to unlock your child’s potential for success

The Ups and Downs of ADD – Click this article to find out more information about ADD and how our BrainRx program can help

College Ahead & Myth Busters – Click this article for information related to College and traditional myths

The History of IQ – Click this article to learn more about the history of IQ

Unmasking Attention Difficulties – Click this article for further information about ADD

Why Tutoring Fails – Click here to understand the difference between tutoring and brain training

Answers to Most Frequently Asked Questions

Brain Training Exercise – Smiling Faces – Click here to experience some brain training activity

Pros Answering Tough Questions

Straight Answers for your Childs Learning Struggles


Our first success story in IQRx, from endless summers making up classes to studying by himself

Our first success story in IQRx, from endless summers making up classes to studying by himself

True Story here in Puerto Rico of a teenager with ADD and Dislexia

True Story here in Puerto Rico of a teenager with ADD and Dyslexia who went to win at Robotics

True Story here is Puerto Rico of a boy with speech difficulties who went to winning both spelling bees (Spanish and English)

True Story here in Puerto Rico of a boy with speech difficulties who went to winning both spelling bees (Spanish and English)

True Story here in Puerto Rico of a girl who went from Fs to a perfect score in all her finals

True Story here in Puerto Rico of a girl who went from Fs to a perfect score in all her finals


True Story of a teenager who increase 500 points in the SAT only with brain training

True Story of a teenager who increase 500 points in the SAT only with brain training

True story of kid who discontinued the use of ADD and anxiety and depression meds

True story of kid who discontinued the use of ADD and anxiety and depression meds

Address: Suite 120 Villas de San Francisco
Plaza III
927, San Juan
PR, Puerto Rico
Email: [email protected] Currently offering 50% discount on assessment and consultation