Who We Can Help

Who We Can Help:

Weak cognitive skills are associated with many conditions, situations and even stages of life. For a variety of people—including students struggling to learn in school, children and adults struggling with ADHD and attention issues, even senior adults struggling with memory deficits—weak cognitive skills are making life more difficult than it needs to be. Because the brain possesses a lifelong characteristic called “neuroplasticity”—and because our programs strengthen the cognitive skills that make it possible to think, learn and remember—almost anyone can benefit from our programs. In everyday language, neuroplasticity means the brain’s abilities are not “set in stone”—brain skills can be improved at any age and stage in life. And neurostudies continue to document that intense mental activity stimulates the brain to make these kinds of improvements. What does this mean for you and your family? If you (or someone you love) falls into one of these categories:

  • struggling students
  • children or adults diagnosed with ADHD
  • children or adults diagnosed with a learning disability
  • career adults wanting to get ahead
  • senior adults wanting to stay sharp
  • victims of stroke or brain injury

…there’s hope. There’s something that can be done. We can help.



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BrainRx Brain Training programs are only available outside of the United States. If you are looking for help and you live in the United States, visit www.learningrx.com. LearningRx is the parent company of BrainRx.

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